Tuesday, June 16, 2009


This is the very first post of this blog. I don't expect any profound revolutions to come forth from my writings. They could be inklings, ideas, discussions, suggestions, advice, questions, and even just pictures. Whatever comes to mind that forces me to type into this box, and whatever comes from it, is what it is.

To start, however...

Hello. I am Laura. I'm a young woman trying to find her place in the world. I am an artist, though what kind of artist and how good am I is entirely subjective (isn't it always, though?). I shall discuss art, life, and much more. I'm currently studying Art Education, so at least I have some knowledge upon the very subject about which I am passionate. Stay tuned.


Angela said...

Hey Laura! Thanks for entering my "Lunch Money Giveaway"!

I just thought I'd pop on over to say hello!

All blogs start somewhere, where they end up is the fun part. I can't wait to see what your blog holds for you in the future!!

Angela from Angela's Soliloquy