Saturday, August 29, 2009

The End of August.

And so, the month comes to a close. Summer is slowly winding down. And, for me and many others, school (college) is about to begin. I'm excited but not excited, as usual. I'll be happy for the "motivation" of art once again, though it'll be mandated and graded. But, hey, those critiques help an artist grow.

Great news about the Sketchbook Project: mine came in today! It helps that Atlanta, GA is not too far from here, haha.

Isn't it cute? :D I can't wait to start working on it. Actually, it wouldn't really be "working." I dislike it sometimes when my brain translates making art as "working," but sometimes, that's what it really is. Hopefully someday that will transition to just FUN ART TIMES. ;) I can't wait for my Twitter friend Leel to get her book. I'm hoping to track progress on here and the Art House Co-op website; maybe she will do the same.

If you visit my flickr you'll see the art I've been trying to keep up with... managed to fight through my stuffy sinuses to work more on the gas mask painting. Lately Patrick's been getting semi-addicted to Snus, really gross, but they make awesome mini palettes. ^_~

I better go and relax... big day after tomorrow. One good thing about this semester is Printmaking will hopefully supply me with good items to sell on Etsy; I don't think my paintings will do very well. But as always, I'm optimistic.

Enjoy your weekend, everyone. And to those who share my fate: enjoy your FINAL summer break weekend.


Luke & Erica said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Who says grown-ups can't wear hair bows. I have a bunch of really cute minibows that could be for any age. I like your Etsy shop. I am still working out the kinks on my own hairbow shop. I will add you to my blog under Other Creative Blogs. Thanks again, Erica (Lil' Cutie Hair Bows)

x said...

And thank you for coming by, I appreciate it! :)